Saturday, February 20, 2016

Modify Watches is a Small Startup in San Francisco

UPDATED 3/1/2016 Picture of Running Watch Modify Watches is based in San Francisco, CA. This small company assembles and ships watches from their office in the city. These watches are designed to be personal to the buyers interests. There are many themes to select from and you can check them all out on their web site by clicking Modify Watches.

Modify Watches allow you to switch out the time pieces within the band, thus the name Modify! Modify Watches have time pieces created for specific non-profits and I would bet they would love to hear from yours, too. A good way to have comradarie within your organization and to make others aware of your organization and its goals.

I have included a picture of my own watches, but I also purchased one for my daughter who is a high school running coach. Her watch is not only cool, but encourages the support of girls/women in running. This is just one example of a theme supporting important things in our lives while doing something practical, letting us know what time it is! :-)

Here is a picture of the Girls Running Watch. I gave it to my daughter and it was received with a Big Smile!

There is a SF Giants theme going on for sure!

I carry a smart phone like everyone else, but enjoy an occasional disconnect and power off. While wearing my cool Modify Watch, I can give myself a break from the constant communications and still meet up with a friend for lunch and be there on time.

The cool factor is a 10.

(I am not affiliated with Modify Watches, just one of their fans.)

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