Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Thanksgiving is a Time to Give and be Thankful

(Update-29,000 runners and walkers participated in the annual Thanksgiving Run to Feed the Hungry in Sacramento, Ca. All registration fees go to local food banks. This was a record number of participants. Almost every year a new record is set. Happy Thanksgiving!!!)

The meaning of Thanksgiving has stayed the same over time. Being thankful has always been at the heart of the Thanksgiving Holiday. Immigrants received help from Native Americans and gave thanks. The darkest side of American History took place during those times when settlers pushed Native Americans off their lands. A history that should give pause before lecturing other nations on human rights. We should never forget and we should never stop being thankful.

One thing that has not changed in dark times and during the changes from becoming an agricultural nation to an industrial nation to an information age is the opportunity to be thankful and to give. A time to be thankful for what we have in bountiful harvests, family and the chance to give to our community.

Recently a positive trend during the Thanksgiving Holiday is to give to local food banks. This giving culminates at a walk/run to feed the hungry in many communities across this nation. Food banks depend on the giving Americans have embraced by sharing abundantly on this day.  We are grateful for our abundance. A major portion of food banks budget for the entire year comes during this week of gratitude.

In the community where I live there is a run to feed the hungry. Registration for participating is $35. More than 25,000 people are expected at tomorrows run/walk and each participant will receive much more than their contribution in knowing they are helping to feed those in need throughout the next year.

I wish all Americans a great day of Thanksgiving and hope all who can give back will take this opportunity make a donation to your local food bank.


Thursday, November 17, 2016

Golden1 Arena in Sacramento, CA is Outstanding

I went to the new Golden1 arena in downtown Sacramento last night. The Sacramento Kings were hosting the San Antonio Spurs. The game was not all that pretty for the Kings, but if you are visiting Sacramento and there is any type of event going on at the new arena you won't be disappointed if you check it out or in Facebook terms check in there.

When going in through the main entrance off L Street you will be amazed how open the building is. Sacramento gets hot in the summer, but the city gets a good delta breeze in the evening. The open entrance will make events feel like a summer night outside and less enclosed.

What is really striking when you enter the building is the wide concourses all around the building with enough food choices your head will swim. Great food and beverage choices for a variety of tastebuds!

If you are coming from outside of Sacramento the freeway going in all directions is just a couple blocks away. Don't let the traffic alarmists scare you away. Traffic has not even been a little problem yet alone a major headache.

Monday, November 14, 2016

Job Interviews-How did it Really Go?

I had a job interview with a health provider in the San Francisco Bay Area last week. I enjoyed the interview and thought it went well. But how do you know what interviewers are really thinking?

I am one of those people who does not read body language very well.  I was not asked the question what is your biggest weakness. Thank goodness. That is such a common and waste of time question. I really respected the interviewers for not going there. One weakness that I do have is not being able to pick up on subtle comments or body language. A subtle negative comment goes right over my head. I think that is part of growing up with the old fashioned belief if you can't say something kind then don't say anything at all.  I don't hear unkindness in subtle jabs and if it happens in a job interview my perception of how the interview played out will not be changed. If you have the ability to laugh at yourself there is some humor in this. The interviewer may be saying, oh my gawd after you leave the room while you do a celebration dance in the lobby. It's good to be able to laugh at yourself.

Job interviewing is similar to having a first date. Often one person on the date thinks it went way better than the other person. I think that happens in job interviews too.

One thing that helps with really not knowing what other people think is the ability to let things go after an interview. It has taken me decades to learn. At this stage of my life, I am able to go to an interview, enjoy the conversation, write the thank you note and let it go. In other words developing the ability to stop thinking about it and accepting whatever the other party decides.

It's good to have this ability. If you are young, I hope you can develop this ability now. I did not have this skill when I was young and spent too much time analyzing how things went and wondering if I would get the job. Get on with life rather than waiting for your phone to ring.  It is much better to do your best in an interview and once that thank you letter is sent, let it go. Let it go and move on to other potential opportunities.

Thursday, November 3, 2016

MLB 2016 Season Ends with Epic Cubs Win

Congratulations to the Chicago Cubs and the city of Chicago and all the dedicated fans there. I am a San Francisco Giants fan. I was rooting for the Cubs all year except when they played the Giants. As a baseball fan, I am with millions of others outside of Chicago who are happy for the life long fans of the Cubs. Congratulations Cubbies!

The last game of the 2016 season was the best game of the year. I go to and watch a lot of baseball during any season. This back and forth game was the best game most of us have seen in a long, long time. It's a cliche, but it really is too bad that one team had to lose. Both teams played a great series and great seventh game. The Cubs prevailed, but Cleveland won too. Good sportsmanship prevailed during the games in Cleveland with Cubs and Indians fans cheering their teams on while sitting next to each other. This makes for a fun environment for all fans.

The fun of having a mixed crowd cheering for both teams makes baseball a great sport. The crazy fun seventh game on November 2, 2016 has many fans, including myself already looking forward to the 2017 season.

Congratulations to the Chicago Cubs!!!

These pictures are of my dog Willie over the years. I have not blogged in several years and now I plan to return to it. We don't have an...