Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Everything in Baseball Seems Sane Today

A major politician a few months ago said his political party had gone Bat Shit Crazy. I suggest the American people in general have gone Bat Shit Crazy over the Colin Kaepernick story. On to the Giants vs Diamondback series!!!

On the mound tonight at AT&T will be Johnny Cueto pitching against Diamondback Zack Greinke! Classic matchup!

Keys to the game:

  1. Keep the Diamondbacks in the park. It's ok to walk Paul Goldschmidt or Jake Lamb if you get behind in the count. 
  2. Offense needs to get timely hits and leave as few as possible on base. 
  3. Smart play running the bases and good solid defense. Heads in game.
More to come during game time. 

Sunday, August 28, 2016

UPDATE 3:50 PST GIANTS UP 13-3 Going into 8th INNING!

Update 3:50 PST-After scoring just one run yesterday the Giants have taken a 13-3 lead going into the 8th inning against the Braves. If they can keep scoring like this and combine it with pitching against the Diamondbacks the series against the Cubs next weekend could be very interesting! That's a lot of ifs, but Go Giants!!!

I'm a Giants fan. I think this blog and the posts attest to this as fact. I like facts. Emotions are ok, but I consider myself a realist who may overthink things, but is seldom emotionally impulsive. Giants fans need to brace themselves for the real possibility the team won't make the playoffs. The team woes began right after the all-star game. We are about to end August and those woes continue.

The Giants can't go into the series with Chicago later in the week expecting to be in the chase for the playoffs if they can't win the series again Atlanta and Arizona. Of course, we tip our caps to Mike Foltynewicz who threw a great game mixing up his pitches in the second game against Atlanta. He held the Giants to one run on a home run by Brandon Crawford and the Braves won 3-1.

The Giants must get hot and the time is now.

The Sunday series finale just started. Madison Bumgarner is on the mound vs Aaron Blair. First inning and the Braves take the early lead 1-0. Giants are now coming up to bat.

Go Bumgarner! Go Giants!!!

Monday, August 22, 2016

SF Giants Offense MIA-Samardzija Outstanding

The San Francisco Giants offense has been hit and miss all season. The lack of run production at key points in games has really hurt the team. On Sunday the New York Mets blanked them with a good performance by Noah Syndergaard. For six innings Jeff Samardzija and Syndergaard matched performances and it was 0-0. Both pitchers had their "A" games going. The Giants pitcher was doing so well he had a no hitter going into the 7th inning.

Curtis Granderson ended that no-hit bid by driving a double to left-field. Yoenis Cespedes did the damage batting right after Granderson by smashing a no doubt homer to left-field. This blogger really liked watching Cespedes when he played for the Oakland Athletics. I was really disappointed when the A's traded him, but that's what the A's do. Cespedes is worth the price of admission all by himself. He is  always great at bat and in the outfield too. As a Giants fan he was more fun to watch playing for the A's-LOL

Back to my point about the Giants offense. It's not just a game here and a game there that has this fan concerned. It's the overall season where opposing pitchers have their best outings of the year at AT&T park. Of course, you tip your cap to a great pitching performance. At the same time if it happens too often you would think management may be scratching their heads. It could be time to shake-up the offense. I'm not sure waiting until September and expecting minor league players to play a critical role in the playoff chase will be enough. I don't know who is available off waivers, but I hope the Giants are looking to add some pop to the lineup.

This couch manager has been suggesting since the season started that an additional bat or two is needed in the outfield. There has been more talk about the bullpen and it being shaky with little talk about the struggling offense. The Giants are losing too many games where they score fewer than two runs and somehow, someway this has to change going into September or even the wildcard spot may slip away.

Courtesy of MLB watch Cespedes blast to left-feld by clicking HERE.

Madison Bumgarner is on the mound Tuesday at 7:10 PST vs Kenta Maeda as the Giants vs Dodgers rivalry continues in Los Angeles.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Can the SF Giants Restart their Engines?

I have not written for a few days. My interest in the Giants has not waned.  I have been busy with job searching. I also question my priorities! LOL

I will start this post with a positive. The fans appreciation for Ryan Vogelsong last night was totally awesome. Their reaction as he walked to the mound in the first inning shows the great class that SF fans display at every game. Ryan picked up the win last night. I was happy for him despite the fact it came at the Giants expense.

The last few games have seen some real ups and downs. Unfortunately, there have been more downs than ups since the all-star break. The teams play has me screaming in my apartment sometimes. Why?

  1. Poor decision making. Last night for example with two outs and the pitcher coming to the plate  we pitched to Polonco. Gregory was already responsible for three Pirates runs. Why not intentionally walk him or at least pitch around him? I was totally dumbfounded when he got a pitch right over the middle of the plate.
  2. The bullpen has imploded too many times since the all-star break. I understand you have to go with your best guys and overall the bullpen has done a good job or the Giants would not still have a 1/2 game lead in the West. That being said this blogger and many other couch coaches have suggested since spring training that the Giants need an additional closer. 
  3. When the offense shows up it is so wonderful. Usually when the team gets five runs a W is on the scorecard. Go back to #1 and the outcome of this game might have been different. The team has had several offensive droughts since the all-star game. One or two runs does not win many games. 
(Great catch by Hunter Pence. Watch the video courtesy of MLB.com by clicking HERE.

I'm always a positive guy. The Orange and Black are still in first place. Players have regained their health. The team has a good home schedule for the rest of this month. This blogger wants to see smarter play, better decision making, consistent offense and an addition to the closing rotation to take the pressure off Santiago Casilla. 

Jeff Samardzija is back on the mound against Pittsburgh's Jameson Taillon at 7:15 PST

Go Samardzija! Go Giants!!!

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Giants Win 1-0 and Come Home to Play the Orioles

The Giants won a tough well pitched game by Jeff Samardzija 1-0 and took the series in Miami on Wednesday afternoon. This win sends the team back to AT&T park on a positive note. The Orioles are in town for a three game series beginning Friday. The Giants are off Today.

Samardzija was spectacular Wednesday. He threw the Marlins off balance by mixing up the speed of his pitches and his command put him in charge.  Jeff was helped by some great play in the outfield. Angel Pagan made two good plays and the throw he made to second base getting an out was a crucial play in keeping the Marlins off the board. Watch the MLB clip by clicking HERE.

The next three weeks are important to the Giants. Of course, every game and every week is important, but the dog days of August are especially important as the team fights to stay on top of the NL West. The Giants host east coast teams for most of the remainder of August.  The Giants have just one short trip to Los Angeles to play the Dodgers for three games. With 15 games at home this is a crucial stretch for the Giants. (SF Giants schedule on Giants web site click HERE.) If the Giants can play well the remainder of the month they won't need to make any type of player acquisitions and can tap their minor league players available in September.

1-0 victories are rare. Take a look at this MLB video of the solo run provided by the bat of Brandon Crawford by clicking HERE.

Matt Cain is back on the mound against Dylan Bundy, Friday at 7:15 PST.

Go Matt! Go Giants!!!

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

SF Giants Win Marathon Game in 14th Inning

What a big win for the San Francisco Giants Monday night in Miami! The Giants won in the 14th inning after Brandon Crawford collected his 7th hit of the game. That's not a typo. Crawford had seven hits tying a major league baseball record shared by just a handful of players.

Watch this video of Brandon Crawford getting hit number seven courtesy of MLB.com by clicking HERE.

Buster Posey starts a big double play in the 8th inning with the score tied. I just love watching Posey throw to second. His throws getting runners trying to steal and in this case starting a double play are strong and accurate. Watch MLB video of Buster starting the double play by clicking HERE.

This was a big road win for the Giants. It's no secret they have struggled since the all-star break, especially offensively. This blogger has contended they need another bat in the lineup, most likely in the form of another outfielder. There have been too many games where the offense struggles to score more than one run. Fans including myself understand the team is trying to stay in contention through August and then use some of the minor league players in September and race to the finish line. This couch manager thinks they need to do something sooner.

The Giants bullpen gets heat when a save is blown. George Kontos deserves a big high-five. George pitched two scoreless innings, gets the save and the win!!! Awesome!!! Way to go George! Watch George close out the game courtesty of MLB by clicking HERE.

The Marlins and Giants are back at it with a 4:10 PST game on Tuesday. Matt Moore will make his first start as a Giant. He goes against Tom Koheler.

Go Matt! Go Giants!!!

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Bumgarner Brilliant in 1-0 Loss. Offense AWOL

After game update-Great performance by Madison Bumgarner. Tanner Roark had the Giants number and Giants lose 1-0. Bumgarner loses 5th straight game since all-star break. This loss is all because of lack of offense. Bumgarner could not have been better. This on the couch blogger really thinks Giants management needs to make some kind of move to get a bat that wakes up the offense. One bat could make a crucial difference in these tight games. Currently there are players coming to the plate that are more automatic outs than pitching staff. Hats off to Ben Revere and the great play he made in Center Field off what looked like at least a double by Brandon Belt.

Dang, I just turned on the TV in time to see Nationals go deep to make score 1-0.  Ramos hit it over the right field fence to break the scoreless tie. Watching game as I write this.

Ok, let's look at Saturday's action. Matt Cain did a terrific job on the mound. He got out of some bases loaded situations and the offense came to play. I really like this hustle play by Nunez to get a triple. The ball really looked like it was going out of the park, but he did not assume it was a home run. It hit the top of the wall and because of his smart base running it turned into a triple instead of a double. Watch the MLB clip by clicking HERE.

If you missed yesterdays game, Hunter Pence had a ball come off home plate and hit him in the face. He has a real shiner and Blanco is playing in right field today. Despite getting hit in the face Pence ended the 9th with this good catch. Watch the MLB clip by clicking HERE.

Bumgarner has turned in a brilliant performance giving up one run and that run was on what looked like a pretty good pitch. Ramos did a great job to knock it out.

Monday, August 1, 2016

SF Giants Even Series with Nationals

The San Francisco Giants are coming off a long, long stretch of not playing very well and losing games. The losing streak ended and a two game winning streak has started. The team is on a road trip beginning Tuesday which includes Philadelphia, Washington and Miami.

It's time for the Giants to step it up and win a series away from home. In the first part of the road trip they take on the Philadelphia Phillies in a three game series. The first game of the series is Tuesday, August 2nd at 4:10 PST.  It would be a great team confidence boost if they can win two of three.

The Giants split the series with Nationals over this past weekend in SF. I love this pitch hit by Madison Bumgarner. Matt Cain was on the mound and got a W in the 3-1 victory.

Watch the MLB video of Madison's pitch-hit double by clicking HERE.

In other Giants news, Bleacher Report brings us news of two trades before the August 1st deadline. Read the report on Giants acquistion of Matt Moore from Tampa Bay by clicking HERE.

The Giants were talking mostly about getting relief pitchers before the trade deadline, but everyone knows the backend of the starting rotation has been hit and miss all year. My guess and it's just a guess is Jake Peavy will not be starting for the Giants again.

The second reported trade involved the Milwaukee Brewers who are rebuilding this year. Left hander Will Smith is headed to San Francisco. The Giants were looking for another left hander in the bullpen. Read the Bleacher Report story by clicking HERE.

Looks like the Giants are serious about making a run in September.

In Tuesdays 4:10 PST action Madison Bumgarner will take on Zach Eflin of the Phillies.

Go Bumgarner! Go Giants!!!

These pictures are of my dog Willie over the years. I have not blogged in several years and now I plan to return to it. We don't have an...