Saturday, September 16, 2017

Everlast Boxing Bag

I took some boxing lessons at 24 hour fitness. I had a great time with the trainer and wanted to keep it going. I purchased an Everlast boxing bag on Amazon and I am really enjoying hitting it for a few minutes each day.

It's good exercise and a great stress reducer!

Monday, September 4, 2017

Chalk-It-Up! Downtown Sacramento, Sidewalk Art

Chalk-It-Up! Sidewalk art event that takes place every Labor Day. The below picture link will take you to a group of 157 photos of great sidewalk art. This event is at Fremont Park in downtown Sacramento, Ca, and will be available until to view the art wears off the sidewalk. Enjoy the rest of Labor Day everyone!!!

Chalk-It-Up, Sacramento, 2017

Sunday, September 3, 2017

Bishop O'Dowd Basketball Celebration

I had the opportunity to attend the Bishop O'Dowd basketball celebration. The event took place at Bishop O'Dowd high school on September 2, 2017. It was a great event looking back at how the basketball program got started and how the great tradition of those days continue today. It was a great opportunity for many to see their former teammates again after many years.

If you click on the picture below you can see a few pictures taken at the event. Go Dragons!!!

Bishop O'Dowd Basketball Celebration

These pictures are of my dog Willie over the years. I have not blogged in several years and now I plan to return to it. We don't have an...